Sunday 25 September 2011

Visual communication of Utopia.

We are living in a built environment which has been shaped by Utopian ideals. Different environments and cultures create different visual communication. Taking visual communication into consideration artists can portray their own ideas of Utopia through their art. In the same way advertising sells its Utopian ideas.

Screenshot for Herbal Essences TV commercial. 
The above picture is an example of how the Utopian ideal and perfection can be used to encourage us consumers to buy or invested in a service. For example British Gas' recent advertising campaigns involve the idea of Utopia by showing small individual worlds for each family

Screen shot from British Gas TV commercial.

Other mediums to similarly represent ideas of Utopia can be seen in movies. Such examples being The Beach (2000) in which the core concept is the idea of a perfect society in paradise.

The Beach.

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