Sunday, 25 September 2011


Religion's fundamental rules are based on their own ideas of Utopia. Each religion has it's own set of rules and values which followers believe would lead to a perfect way of life in society. The most famous rules being Christianity's 10 commandments, which are a guide for Christians to follow to be a perfect citizen, and if all were to follow these rules society would be perfect.
Modern interpretations of the 10 commandments taken from Exodus 20: 1-17 are:
1. Do not worship any other Gods.
2. Do not make any idols.
3. Do not misuse the name of God.
4. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
5. Honour your mother and father.
6. Do not murder
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not lie.
10. Do not covert.

Christianity is one of 22 major religions in operation today, with thousands more differing faith structures. The top two religions are Christianity with 2.1 billion followers and Islam with 1.5 billion. Both of these religions have doctrine in which the rules to become a good citizen are based. Christianity has the Bible and Islam has the Quran. Both of these religions are monotheist (Christians believe in God, and Muslims believe in Allah) and both have their own scriptures in which to follow the religious rules.

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